Bachelor of Science, Intelligence Science and Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University,
Guangzhou, Guangdong, expected June 2021
GPA: 3.9/4.0
Real-time Ship Tracking With Fusion of Kalman Filter and CenterNet, Unmanned System Institute of SYSU, Guangzhou——Apr 2019-Dec 2019
- Proposed an approach which is customized for the ship tracking task. In this approach, a deep learning-based update method has been specially designed to be integrated with the Kalman filter for correcting possible predictable errors.
- Compared with SOTA trackers in different challenging scenarios, our approach demonstrated higher accuracy and greater robustness, achieving 89.9\% F1-measure and 108 fps.
- Achieved the largest Chinese public data set currently used in ship detecting missions through ship-based and shore-based cameras which are capable of capturing multiple targets in various scenarios.
- Demo:
Self Surpervised Learning Generative Adversarial Network, Electrical and Computer Engineering of UCSD, California San Diego—— April 2020-Present*
- Reproduced CVPR2019 “Self-Supervised GANs via Auxiliary Rotation Loss” in pytorch.
- Combined Momentum-Contrast with SNGAN to extract deeper perceptual feature to solve the problem of forgotten adn unstable training.
- Github:
DogHouse: A Time Management APP Based On Flutter And Firebase——May 2020-July 2020*
- Developed a time management APP based on Flutter and Firebase. The aim is to Promote the efficiency of users in work and study.
- Responsible for the database update and data statistics display part. Resolved asynchronous update issue in network requests in the Dart.
- Github: