
  • Conditional GAN需要大量标签
  • GAN训练不稳定:GANs are typically trained using alternating stochastic gradient descent which is often unstable and lacks theoretical guarantees
  • instability, divergence, cyclic behavior, or mode collapse
  • GAN训练过程中D模块的遗忘现象
    • In non-stationary online environments, neural networks forget previous tasks
    • training may become unstable or cyclic
    • This issue is usually addressed either by reusing old samples or by applying continual learning techniques
    • These issues become more prominent in the context of complex data sets - > conditioning(labeled data)
    • CGAN中标记数据可以帮助D模块训练更稳定的表达,并且CGAN对于单一类别训练易于整体数据集训练


  • take a step towards bridging the gap between conditional and unconditional GANsUnder the same conditions, the self-supervised GAN attains a similar performance to state-of-the-art conditional counterparts
  • unsupervised generative model that combines adversarial training with self supervised learning
  • add an auxiliary, self-supervised loss to the discriminator

Key Issue: Discriminator Forgetting

  • original value function for GAN


  • 训练过程中D模块往往会根据G模块学习到的局部特征(纹理、边缘、结构等)来进行惩罚,因此难以学习到整体的有效表达(局部陷阱)

    discriminator is not incentivised to maintain a useful data representation as long as the current representation is useful to discriminate between the classes

  • 训练后期PG = Pdata,D模块输出为常数0.5,因此D模块将无法继续学习到有效信息。


  • 常规Uncond-GAN的遗忘现象(500k后遗忘有效表达)

  • mnist测试,尽管任务相似,训练类别切换时仍存在遗忘现象


pretext task

  • 引入旋转角度预测,学习到更有效地表达

  • rotation-based loss

Collaborative Adversarial Training

  • generator and discriminator collaborate on the task of representation learning, and compete on the generative task
  • D模块通过预测真实数据旋转角度进行训练
  • 促进G模块生成具有可检测旋转的真实图片特征的表达
  • α>0不能保证收敛到PG = Pdata,因此训练过程中逐渐将α衰减至0
  • the generator is encouraged to generate images that are rotation-detectable because they share features with real images that are used for rotation classification


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《SSGAN CVPR2019》 by Liangyu Cui is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License