MoCo v1


  • NLP中常用的SSL往往是由于NLP中常使用离散变量(单词),而CV中多数为高维连续变量
  • contrastive learning作为字典查询角度需要构建较大的字典


  • 提出MoCo构建用于contrastive learning的large and consistent dictionaries
  • purpose:pre-train representations (i.e., features) that can be transferred to downstream tasks by fine-tuning
  • 适用于real-world, billionimage scale, and relatively uncurated scenario


Contrastive Learning as Dictionary Look-up

  • InfoNCE(contrastive loss function) t为温度变量

  • a (K+1)-way softmax-based classifier that tries to classify q as k+

Momentum Contrast

  • 动态字典
  • key encoder在训练过程中不断进化
  • 假设:good features can be learned by a large dictionary that covers a rich set of negative samples, while the encoder for the dictionary keys is kept as consistent as possible despite its evolution

Dictionary as a queue

  • At the core of our approach is maintaining the dictionary as a queue of data samples
  • 字典可以大于mini-batch size,可以作为超参数进行调节
  • 每次更新mini batch个样本,FIFO

Momentum update

  • 使用队列可以扩充字典的大小,但是对key encoder进行反向传播变得更难

  • 将query encoder 直接复制给key encoder ,这样快速地改变key encoder会破坏键值表示的一致性,不够稳定

  • 队列保存特征图信息,而非原始图像信息

  • momentum update

  • 实验中较大的m(0.999)取得较好的结果,

    slowly evolving key encoder is a core to making use of a queue

Relations to previous mechanisms

  • end2end
    • 字典大小和mini-batch大小相同,受限于GPU显存
    • 对大的mini-batch进行优化也是挑战
  • memory bank
    • 包含数据集所有数据的特征表示,从Memory Bank中采样数据不需要进行反向传播,所以能支持比较大的字典
    • 一个样本的特征表示只在它出现时才在Memory Bank更新,因此具有更少的一致性
    • 更新只是进行特征表示的更新,不涉及encoder

Pretext Task

  • 2 random view :positive pair
  • queries & keys独立编码

Technical details

  • ResNet
  • output:128-D
  • output:L2-norm
  • random color jittering, random horizontal flip, and random grayscale conversion

Shuffling BN

  • BN会导致模型难以学习到有效的representation

  • The model appears to “cheat” the pretext task and easily finds a low-loss solution. This is possibly because the intra-batch communication among samples (caused by BN) leaks information

    模型每个batch的内的样本之间communication 泄露了信息导致的

  • shuffling BN:每个GPU分开做BN





Linear Classification Protocol

contrastive loss mechanisms


Comparison with previous results

   Reprint policy

《MoCo v1》 by Liangyu Cui is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License